

Thursday, 25 May 2023

The Young Romantics


Now we will write ghost stories – so said Lord Byron in Villa Diodati on the shores of Lake Geneva, on June 17, 1816. Out of this challenge came the beginnings of Frankenstein and the beginnings of the first, modern vampire story. But there is much more to this novel than those two stories.

Mary Shelley, the talented but moody daughter of William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecroft. Percy Shelley, or as he preferred to be known, Shelley – a gifted poet who swept Mary off her feet at the tender age of 16, when they eloped. Claire Clairmont, Mary's step-sister and eight months younger, intelligent with a radical approach to life, and who was the third part of their inverted triangle. Lord Byron, who had fame like a rock star of the time, but because of his many scandals he had to flee England. John Polidori; age 20 and Byron's physician, who wanted to be a writer and thought accompanying Byron on his travels would help with this.

This is the story of these five remarkable young people, thrown together during four days of rain and storm, and all of what followed. It is a story like no other.

The Young Romantics is the best and one of the most unique historical novels I have ever read. I absolutely guarantee that it will keep you enthralled, from the first page to the very last. Elise Watts – author.

Scrupulously researched, beautifully written, it really feels like you are amongst these remarkable people, and their triumphs and tragedies. The Young Romantics is a must-read. Ann Reed – author.

I can't imagine a person who could read The Young Romantics and not be captivated by it. John Hill – author

Ebook and Print on Demand available from AmazonAmazon UK, Apple iBooks and all major book retailers.